By Norton Tooby
This edition was rewritten after the California Supreme Court's 2009 decision in People v. Kim, and presents an up-to-date Practice Manual covering which post-conviction relief will solve each particular immigration problem, all available California post-conviction vehicles, over 40 different grounds of legal invalidity that may be used to vacate guilty pleas, and new vehicles that may be used to obtain effective post-conviction relief at any time, even after parole or probation have terminated.
2009 edition, with continuous free update service
780 pages
State-of-the-art after People v. Kim
All forms of relief (including new ones)
All grounds of legal invalidity
What relief is effective in immigration court
Cutting edge immigration court arguments
"Extremely helpful!"
- Roger Litman
"I really rely on Mr. Tooby to give this kind of information. 75% of my clients are immigrants."
- Cherith Drescher
"This research is so very helpful. You continue to be a breath of fresh air! Thank you for always being there for the attorneys who reach out to you for your wisdom and experience"
- Karen Hill